Official Opinions of CB Members (in a female persp

April 4 2008, 1:51 AM

I think Tung had something stellar here.

Since we've got the option of Tung's male opinion on the people of CB, I thought it was only fair to provide the female opinion as well (and because I'm itching to tell a couple ppl exactly what I think about them).

So volunteer away as I steal Tung's disclaimer.

Just so we are clear. If anyone get butthurt about what I say, don't even go whining to a mod to warn or suspend me, it was your choice to let me state my opinion on you. So volunteer with caution.

Edit: I'm going to make the responses of this thread more of an analyzation of you as a person rather than our relationship (so as to maintain some objectivity).

And don't even bother posting if you know I don't know you.



Trish: Youz a complicated one. Although there's a lot of drama surrounding you regarding various things, I think you're essentially a good person. You do your best to help friends out in a tight spot, and genuinely do your best on cB (even when getting knocked down for it). I think you're no bullshit attitude sometimes contributes to the negative feelings people harbor for you, but that's your personality, your demeanor, your deal. You're good on the offense and defense, and could probably flay most people alive with your aptitude in insults (LOL). You're exceedingly modest about your design skills and I've rarely seen you outright bash anyone for having less than stellar skills. I respect that, and you as a designer. Just by meeting, and chilling with you (and I think Toya will agree), there's a part of you people on CB don't get to see. Although you maintain your no bullshit demeanor irl, you're super giving and helluh fun to shit talk with (LOL at the dresses at TC). And just to clear the record, Trish is pretty much the same offline as she is online. The good thing about Trish is although she does have certain flaws (as we all do), she's probably more aware of them than us.

James: I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the right James, but I'll state my opinion regardless. I'd say that you have a no bullshit air about you, but not in the same way as Trish. I think people are genuinely intimidated by you because of the air of intelligence you usually give through your posts. That being said, I'd say you really DO know what you're talking about 95% of the time. You have the ability to rationally analyze situations, and a lot of CB drama, yours included. Even though I've heard my share of negativity surround you, I'd have to say the circumstances of said negativity were definitely in your favor. CB needs more sharpshooters like you.

doublehelix: I barely know you, so I'm going to refrain from passing judgment till I watch you around the board more. I'll write yours once I form an opinion.

Nicki: I swear I've known you for a while, but your username eludes me. What was your CB username before paperplane?

KC: IMO, one of the most successful cB'ers around. You've managed to escape even the slightest involvement in cB drama and still managed to maintain "good people" status with mostly everyone. Despite trying to promote yourself as the ghetto hardass, you're not (your pics confirm that). KC's good people even though I'd like to see him lose his cool once and pwn somebody. He's essentially the good guy in everyone's corner.

Tama: I'm going to say that despite your many character flaws, you're essentially a good guy. Personally, I find you a pompous, sexist, narrow-minded, contrary person just because of the way you choose to interact within our little cB community. I'm pretty sure you yourself can pull examples of each out of your own posts. Despite your age, and experience in society, I think you've managed to skip one worldly lesson: the art of successfully and amicably co-existing with a group of people harboring different view points and opinions -- or in others words, tact. Furthermore, I think your air of elitism after exhibiting the aforementioned qualities just rubs people in the wrong way, pre-disposing you to dislike. I suggest some self-introspection, and change. It wouldn't hurt to get along with the members of the internet community you've chosen to interact within.






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