absinthe (comments)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 139 comments

Hahaha I know. At least on Valentines day you get to look at the sweet candy displays in stores.
LOL I don't really think I have time for a relationship. With school and work, I'm going to be pretty busy. Last thing I need is a chick saying we need to spend time together, when I don't have the time. I would feel like a bad companion to her. =(
LOL word, I understand the parent things. My mom is very strict and is always checking up on me. But its their house, so their rules. I'm cool with it though, or at least I get used to it. But as far as what I been up 2, just trying going to the progressions of life at the moment. Nothing spectacular, just school and work, and being single again.
Your parents giving you probs? =(
And I hope the fellas treating you right. =)
Hahahaha , I can't get no late pass?
On the real, long time since I've heard from you, whats been good?
OMFG, hi Agiri. I check my CBSPACE very seldom and happened to see you comment. How's life treating you?
You be gettin' jelly?!
IDK, homie. I've never had girls flock to me because I can bboy. Then again, a lot of battles I was going to in Japan were major sausage-fests.
And yes, Roxy lives in DC.
Like I said, I'll just roll with it once I get there.
Oil and water? Does that mean I'm oil and you're water? You know, oil floats. So I guess you can say that, if I'm oil, I'll be on top of water.
I'll never stop being a bboy, Anisha. :-P
Things are changing for me, too. But um, I don't have a "type" of women I date anymore. I'll just roll with it when I get to DC. O_o
If I were a Korean bboy and you were a Japanese AV model; it would be a match made in heaven, hahahaha
Let's take over this bitch. fameONE and agiri; world dominance with style.
hey. if u can. check out my page & vote for my crazy face pic
what up agiri? and yeah, i like clazziquai too.
OOH RECEPTIONIST. at least you'll be in an air-conditioned environment all summer! have fun dealing with crying kids afraid of the dentist HA!
you can bet that one day at 4 am in the morning i will IM you out of nowhere begging you to buy me pinkberry, or something equally random :P
OH I KNOW, I'll force you to compile a list of what I should binge watch {K/JDRAMA/MOVIES)
ah, my personal wiki!
V YOU'RE NOT COMING BACK TILL END OF SUMMA? it's kay, I just stalks joo on FB.
/end creeper.
so what kind of job are ya doin? :)
After summer is a long time to wait for you to return. >:o
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