Comment history with TRIBE
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 comments
lol fuck I was falling asleep in all my classes too on the first day so on thursday i made a energy drink and was able to stay up. i still wasn't able to pay attention though, i started staring off into space and daydreaming as usual. at least you're having fun though, when somebody asks you what time is it you always reply with "IT'S PARTY TIME THAT'S WHAT!"
I been alright, school started yesterday though and it killed me cuz i was there all day from 8 in the morning till a little before 8 at night lol. I think i'm gonna like my classes though, the teacher is nice and the people seem chill. how are things going for you?
lol it's cool. i have no problem taking the lightrail and then the bus. i heard when my mom was pregnant with him she got kicked in the stomach lol
6 years. we go to the same CC. saaaaaaaaaaaaad lol. especially if he's gonna get worked up over something stupid like that
yeah, gaybob didn't wanna give me a ride home today from school(even though we get out at the same time) because i told him that he has the worst fart in the family LOL
lol i can't do it. will you do it for me if i pay you 5 dolla? and I been pretty good myself. can't seem to get much sleep before school late today. but it's not becuase i'm nervous and anxious like before, it's from the freakin heat >:0
man he can control his own farts, it's some deadly shit. if anybody around him is lucky, it's odorless which is very rare. and the room that the computer is in is the guest room so no banning anybody :\. aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, how you been?